Powder used to prepare the extender and conservation solution of boar semen. Highly nutritive in order to fully satisfy the spermatozoa energy needs. Prolongs their survival, preserving and improving their capacity for fecundation. Maintains the osmotic balance, the pH stability of the environment (buffer) and restricts bacterial development. Its usage guarantees a useful life period of 5days. SUIDIL® Ibersan's exclusive product.
Product weight: 47,5g (1LT) e 237,5g (5LT)
Package of 1LT e 5LT.
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Tray for Suimix
30,00€ (w/o VAT)

Large tube cover (5 LT) - 20 un
1,05€ per unit 21,00€ (w/o VAT)

Plastic Water-Bath 12L
299,00€ (w/o VAT)

Erlenmeyer Flask
18,20€ (w/o VAT)

Heating Plate
300,00€ (w/o VAT)

Suidil Plus® (long term)
3,35€ (w/o VAT)

Grid for Suibag
50,00€ (w/o VAT)

Magnetic Stirrer with Heating
424,50€ (w/o VAT)

Suimix (10 un)
1,20€ per unit 12,00€ (w/o VAT)

6,00€ (w/o VAT)

Graduated Beaker Tall Form
2,40€ (w/o VAT)